Nutritional Health

Proper nutrition is the foundation of good health. We have all heard the Saying "You are what you eat". This, in part, is true. However, this is only a piece of the larger picture. Unlike other programs that focus only on what or how much you eat, we will also look at; when you are eating it, how you are eating it, why you are eating it. In addition to these considerations, we will also take into account other important factors, such as how the food was grown, harvested, packaged, delivered, and selected. This is vitally important to ensure that it is nutrient dense as opposed to nutrient deficient.

Getting proper nutrition can seem like a daunting task. Now, you can have a personal guide to help you understand the many choices on your road to a healthier you. Your guide is an award-winning graduate of the Culinary Institute of America, a professional chef with over fifteen years experience, a certified personal trainer, and a licensed Holistic Health Practitioner. He will work together with you to help you understand how food supports you on your path and how you can maximize your nutritional awareness and intake.

Todd focuses on working with those who are vegetarian or vegan or those who wish to begin transitioning to that type of nutritional lifestyle. Even if you enjoy eating meat and want to get more from the variety of food options available, Todd can help you understand more about the types of food you are eating and how to get the most from your nutritional choices.
To obtain the most inclusive and well-rounded evaluation of your nutritional requirements, it is necessary to discover the “Bottom Line” of where you are in relation of where you want to be. This comprehensive, evidence-based approach to calculating your nutrient and caloric needs includes evaluating your current fitness and stress levels. Awareness of these lifestyle components is extremely important because evidence has shown time and time again that the amounts you exercise daily as well as your personal levels of daily stress have an enormous impact on your nutritional needs, not to mention the overall quality of your health. Once you have completed the evaluation and assessment process, we can extract the information necessary to make safe and effective recommendations regarding your nutritional needs that will support you in reaching your goals. These recommendations may include*: examining your food choices to help determine that you are getting the proper balance of nutrients for your body-type, activity level, and lifestyle goals; employing healthy alternative cooking or preparation methods to help you get the most from the food you choose to eat; properly timing your meals, especially as they relate to your fitness routine, to support your body in maintaining its energy and efficiency; to considering more advanced sports nutrition and nutrient supplementation options. Once you have begun your training and are making adjustments in your lifestyle to reach your goals, it is highly recommended that you schedule regular re-assessments to make sure you are still headed in the right direction. Todd will partner with you in determining the proper timing of these follow-up appointments to help ensure you are getting the most from the choices you make.

It’s that easy! What are you waiting for? Contact Todd now and get on the road today to a happier, healthier you!

*It is recommended that whenever you endeavor to make changes to your health and wellness practices that you first consult your doctor on the appropriateness and safety of such practices for you!

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